Corporations: Artificial Life forms Created by Laws - Predators

Corporation: An ingenious device for obtaining individual profit without individual responsibility.

Ambrose Bierce

What is it that grows without limit, never gets drafted, cannot be put into jail, and never dies?


Answer: A corporation


The primary reason for incorporating is to limit liabilities. People can invest in the company but are not legally responsible for what the company does.

Corporations answer to any request is it would keep them from competing, i.e., granting the request would  reduce profits and require layoffs. They say they can give you what you want, but then they'll have to kill you.

Profits are to corporations like sex is to people - it's their whole reason for existing.

Through multiple incorporations a company becomes multinational. It loses all allegiance to any country.

Imagine John F. Kennedy giving his challenge, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country," to a group of multinational corporations. They would ask which country he was talking about.

A CEO who spends money on a humanitarian cause but does not end up making more than he spent through the goodwill generated is regarded as wasting the shareholders' money.

Corporations expect your loyalty but lay you off as soon as profits drop or they find a way to get your job done cheaper.

Globalization lets companies  say legislation and worker protection rules would make them noncompetitive. This is their reply to suggestions that we cut hours worked even though most industrial nations work shorter hours than Americans.

In many European nations overtime is prohibited for both professionals and nonprofessionals. No, not time and a half, you just do not work overtime or your company gets fined.


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